The best way to get unstuck


Save 12+ Hours Per Week

Streamlined systems (for your podcast, business, tech) that enable spacious lives for busy solopreneurs — so you can make great content, spend time with your kids, or just relax.

Hey Reader,

It’s the end of the year and, like a lot of people, maybe you’re feeling stuck.

Maybe your business feels stuck in the same place it was a year ago.

Maybe you know you need to automate and delegate, but you’re stuck on how.

Maybe your podcast is stuck on too few downloads or too little revenue.

Maybe you know you need to create more authority-building content, but you’re stuck on where to start.

Maybe you are creating a ton of content but you’re stuck in the hamster wheel, and risk burning out.

Sound familiar?

I’ve had a lot of conversations this year with people who have been feeling stuck just like you. Better, over the course of 2 conversations, I was able to help each of them get unstuck and make positive progress in their lives and business.

And now I want to offer this same opportunity to you.

Getting Unstuck

How stuck do you feel right now? Has your todo list reached the point of overwhelm?

Are you struggling to pick the right thing to do next or the right place to focus?

Or maybe you know exactly what you should be working on next, but you don’t know if your plan of action will actually work.

Perhaps you’re constantly stuck in the minutia of your businessrather than doing your highest impact work—the stuff that will actually earn you more money and leave you more time.

I can get you unstuck by helping you find the shortest path to identifying and completing this high impact work. I can show you techniques to automate and delegate the minutia and save you 12+ hours every week.

Maybe your podcast isn’t growing as quickly as you’d like…despite having great guests, and telling anyone who will listen about it.

I can get you unstuck using the same framework I’ve used to make my podcast a top 2% podcast.

Perhaps you’re stuck on promoting your work or building your authority. Even though you know you have valuable insights to share you struggle to put them into the world with any type of consistency.

I can get you unstuck and give you the exact system I use myself to create and publish my newsletter, social media posts, podcast episodes, and other pieces of content—regularly delivering five new pieces every week.

One hundred bucks. To completely transform your trajectory

Normally this is the kind of work I do exclusively for people in my coaching program, which means it would cost you a minimum of $1000 to have these conversations.

But last week I hit on an idea that lets me offer only this part of my coaching in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the cost.

Instead of paying $1000 per month for the coaching program, you can join me in one of these new “Unstuck Sessions” for $100 — a 90% reduction in price!

In this Unstuck Session, I’ll help you make huge leaps in the highest impact work you can do.

If you prove to be a good fit and this is valuable for you (and I’m positive it will be), you’ll be able to lock-in this rate for a six month package and continue making huge gains in 2025 as well.

Right now is the BEST time to improve your life.

There’s nothing magical about the end of the year—it’s just an arbitrary division between days that are exactly the same. December 31st and January 1st are otherwise no different from one another.

And yet, collectively, we agree this is where one segment of our life ends and a new one begins. And in this segmentation we find massive opportunity.

My Unstuck Sessions help people create this massive, trajectory-altering opportunity every single month.

Now I want to help you create massive, trajectory-altering opportunities every single month. Starting here, with the very next month.

But this an extremely limited offer.

In fact, this is the only time I’ll offer a single unstuck session at any price—let alone $100—and I’m only offering these to the first 30 customers.

I’ll make this offer available until 11:59pm EST on Monday, December 2nd, or until it sells out, whichever comes first. Don’t wait and miss your opportunity to get unstuck and start 2025 the best possible way!

Save 12+ Hours Per Week

Streamlined systems (for your podcast, business, tech) that enable spacious lives for busy solopreneurs — so you can make great content, spend time with your kids, or just relax.